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Data Management Consulting

Supporting your data journey

Ignition has years of experience in enterprise information management, supporting our customers at all stages of the data management journey.  

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Strategic Advice and Planning  

Ignition has the knowledge and experience to help you create a data management strategy that will deliver now and support you in the future.  We will do this by identifying your best opportunities in the context of your business requirements, capability, budget, and technology.

We can work with your leaders and technical teams to establish a baseline, design a target state that delivers on your specific needs, and develop a plan to meet your objectives 

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Data Management Solutions  

In addition to our expertise in Data Vault, Ignition offer a range of services and solutions to help you manage your data assets. We can help you identify your best opportunities for improving your data management and design an approach that fits within your organisational constraints. We can help you with:

  • Data Governance 
  • Data catalogue solutions 
  • Data Quality Framework 
  • Data Architecture planning 
  • Personal Identity Information (PII) Management 
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Delivery Support & Skills Development 

Ignition can design, build, and deploy your new Data Vault 2.0, managing all aspects of the project, including automation, migration, testing, project management, training, and ongoing support.  

An Ignition Data Vault 2.0 certified architect/program lead or senior consultant can help your team on their Data Vault journey. A Mentor will support planning and design and will guide you to ensure an understanding of the critical points of delivering a Data Vault project.  

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Trusted by leading companies wordwide
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Data Vault eBook

Learn everything from introductory Data Vault 2.0 information to topics such as Data Lakes, DataOps and the Data Quality Framework, as well as case studies and community initiatives.  

Discover how we've helped other organisations

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